Partnership between french and kenyans students

Sens Solidaires is currently working on the development of an international mobility project in partnership with the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the French Embassy in Nairobi.
This project aims to connect students in the tourism sector with their Kenyan counterparts from the Coast Institute of Technology (CIT) in Voi. This establishment has a regional French Resource Centre.
It would be an intercultural exchange that would give rise to a linguistic exchange (English and French), an exchange on cooking for students in hotel training. The kenyan and french students will work on a common project of their choice, combining tourism and the protection of biodiversity that should benefit Lumo conservancy by providing financial means to the sanctuary rangers.
The goal of this partnership is to send students in HND Tourism and hotel training to their counterparts school CIT, in summer 2023.

Coast Institute of Technology

The CIT (Coast Institute of Technology) is located in Tsavo, about two kilometers from the town of Voi. This institution of higher education has several teaching sections, and notably offers training in tourist guide, tourism management as well as French courses. It also offers training in catering and accommodation.
For more informations
If your school wants to take part in this exchange, please contact :
Chargée des projets du Grand Genève
Tel : +33 7 66 35 32 58
Mail :
Delphine THIBAUT
Fondatrice et Chargée des Programmes
Tel : +33 6 73 76 60 13
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