"One planet"
Why donate?
Donations are tax-deductible. Article 200 and 238bis of the French General Tax Code..
We are depleting the natural resources of our generous planet to meet our needs, some of which are quite futile. Every day, thousands of living organisms and their habitats disappear due to human technical development (increased carbon dioxide, deforestation, poaching…).
Today, it’s our planet that needs you, that needs us. Together, let’s bring this generosity to bear so that we can continue to live in harmony with nature.
Your donations enable us to help preserve our planet’s biodiversity and natural ecosystems.
How will my donations be used?
Co-finance a large part of our international and national activities
Our programs are rarely 100% financed by a donor, so we often have to make a financial contribution of the order of 10 to 15%.
-To help us carry out the studies carried out before each program to assess the relevance of an action.
To help us with our public information and awareness work (quarterly journal, newsletter, website, etc.).
We encourage you to support us financially!
Company : 250€
Collectivity/Association : 50€
Individual : 25€
Our commiments
100% of your donations are used
*Depending on your choice (1, 2 or 3)
We will keep you regularly informed of the progress of our actions.
We’ll send you a tax receipt enabling you to deduct 66% of the amount of your donation from your tax return. In other words, if you choose to donate €100, it will actually cost you €34 !
Maison des associations 3 bis rue Guigonis 06300 Nice
* Donations are tax-deductible. Article 200 and 238bis of the French General Tax Code.
You receive one membership card on recycled elephant dung paper.
You become an agent of change as a volunteer by taking part in one of our local or international missions.
You’ll be informed about the protection of biodiversity worldwide.