The volunteer mission
What is a solidarity leave ?
The international solidarity leave is a short mission of 10 days to three weeks, open to the general public and without prerequisites of skills. Everyone can contribute their skills and their background to the environmental projects that we support.
The volunteer mission can be carried out during a period of leave or during working hours in agreement with the company according to the conditions defined by the collective agreements.
In our different missions, the volunteer gets involved in projects to help develop local communities, with the objective of sustainable development through various themes: the protection of biodiversity, education, agriculture, etc.
Why getting involved ?
The volunteer’s commitment is a vital support for local actors. On site, actions are often carried out with few resources, both financial and human, especially since the issues we work on result from a global dynamic, where we all have our share of responsibility.
A notion of international solidarity therefore, through which the volunteer puts his time, his strength and his skills at the service of local communities.
Depending on each person’s professional background, we try as much as possible to encourage the exchange of skills on site.
The meetings and activities carried out during the mission are also an opportunity to acquire new skills: perfecting a language, collaboration, teamwork, naturalist and cultural knowledge, a plus for the CV of young adults!
What does the tax deduction take into account?
By doing a volunteer mission with Sens Solidaires, you invest your time and money in the service of our projects, which falls within the framework of donations to associations and organizations of general interest, which allows you to benefit from a tax reduction!
At the end of the mission, we issue a tax receipt, deductible from your taxes when you file your tax return the following year up to 66% of the amount of the donation.
Eligible expenses are: mission expenses, membership, transport (plane tickets, etc.), pharmacy/vaccine costs, visa, etc. But not material goods that you will keep afterwards (clothes, hiking shoes, etc.).

Sens Solidaires invites you to get involved
in five missions:
Wildlife care in rehabilitation center.
School correspondence, mangrove reforestation.
Help with French lessons, patrol with the rangers.
Elephant care, center maintenance, school correspondence.
Monitoring the last orangutans, reforestation, school correspondence.